Patrizia Stierli
Patrizia Stierli was born in Lugano (CH) in 1974, where she has lived and created for 30 years. Passionate about color and painting from childhood age, her artistic journey began as a self-taught painter until she met the artist Nando Snozzi, who immediately introduced her to oil painting.
1997 - 2003 Atelier Attila di Nando Snozzi Arbedo (CH)
2001 Istituto Spinelli per l’Arte e il Restauro Firenze (I)
Book illustration course and illusionistic painting course
2004 - 2005 Ecole d’art Nadaï-Verdon (meuilleur ouvrier de France), Penne d’Agenais (F).
Training and graduation in scene painting
2008 - 2009 Training in nude drawing from life with Ettore Maiotti, Giubiasco (CH)
2015 Portrait master class with David Gray, Vic-Fezensac (F)
2018 Still life and Still life alla prima master class with David Gray, Agen (F)
2019 Paper folding for designers and Paper in motion with Paul Jackson, Ascona (CH)
She brings her visions into life through a realistic painting technique, referable to "fantastic realism“, which allows her to tell imaginary but possible worlds.
Patrizia has been exhibiting since 1998, and more recent exhibitions include:
2013 - solo exhibition solo "Storie in scatola", Jazz'n Bess, Lugano, Switzerland
2013 - group exhibition "Premio giovani artisti 2013", M.A.X. Museo, Chiasso, Switzerland
2014 - solo exhibition "La realtà dei sogni", Ex-Centrale elettrica Gemmo, Lugano, Switzerland
2016 - solo exhibition "Valigie erranti", Extrafid ART Lugano e San Gallo
2017 - solo exhibition "Le chiavi di Bacco", La trattoria, Locarno, Switzerland
2019 - solo exhibition "Volando con i pesci", Galleria Attila, Arbedo
2020 - group exhibition "L'infinitonell’arte", Museo MIIT, Torino, Italy
2022 - solo exhibition "58 Rubinetti”, Galleria La Loggia, Carona
2022 - lithography "Audentes Fortuna iuvat", commissioned by Typography Salvioni SA, Bellinzona
2023 - group exhibition "Blooming", Atelier Viandanti,Central Park, Lugano, Switzerland
2023 - Contemporary Art Fair Luzern, Luzern, Switzerland
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"With my artworks, I wish to awake the viewer's desire to rediscover the wonder of the real."